[보건산업혁신창업센터] 세상을 바꿀 웨어러블 플랫폼을 만들다
[BIOTIMES][Interview]Jubilee Biotech has developed the JUBIwatch platform, the platform help right Time and Amount of Medication.
[STARTUPTODAY] Jubilee Biotech has developed the JUBIwatch platform, the platform help right Time and Amount of Medication.
[BioWorld] Jubliee Biotech prepares smartwatch platform Jubiwatch for FDA clearance
[IoT M2M Council] Start-up develops smart watch that administers medicine
[Parkinson's news today] JUBIwatch Device Targets Medication Adherence
[Yahoo Finance] Jubilee Biotech has developed JUBIwatch, "Health and Life are now wearable"
[PR newswire] Jubilee Biotech has developed JUBIwatch, "Health and Life are now wearable"
[Biopharmaapc] Jubilee Biotech has developed JUBIwatch, "Health and Life are now wearable"
[Korea Herald] Jubilee Biotech has developed JUBIwatch, "Health and Life are now wearable"
[Moneytoday] Jubilee Biotech won “Bio Grand Prize” in the personalized medical device sector.
[Maeil Business] Chungbuk Creative Economy Innovation Center holds a demo day for biohealthcare startups.
[Maeil Business] Innovative startup IR, “Health and Life are now wearable”